Why FCS?
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) is a versatile cluster of programs offering diverse career opportunities, from culinary arts and hospitality management to fashion design and family services. These careers address essential workforce needs and are connected by an integrative skill set. FCS teaches important life skills, as well as knowledge needed for a wide variety of careers. By highlighting the importance of FCS, FCCLA is able to teach its members life, leadership, and critical thinking skills, along with much more. Some FCS classes offered within our own Mullen High School include Culinary Arts, Medical Terminology, Introduction to FCS, Middle School FCS, Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition, Personal Finance, and Life Span Nutrition.
National FCCLA has two programs this year that highlight the importance of FCS in our daily lives.
Say Yes to FCS
Say Yes to FCS is a national outreach campaign designed to bring attention to Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education as a valuable and viable career path. FCS educators play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of individuals and communities, equipping them with essential life skills for both personal and professional success. This initiative invites everyone to join in promoting the profound significance of FCS education and the immense impact it can have on the world.
FCS Is The Missing Piece
FCS Is The Missing Piece is a program advocating for adding the missing Career Cluster - a Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Career Cluster within the National Career Clusters Framework. This cluster would encompass and recognize the wide-ranging impact and importance of FCS content. FCCLA does not believe that the career clusters currently on the National Career Clusters Framework adequately involve all the careers under the FCS umbrella, and the only way to properly showcase these careers is to add FCS as a Career Cluster in the National Framework.
Find more information on the importance of FCS at https://fcclainc.org/engage/say-yes-fcs